City Council accepts grant $, creates regional 911 dist, reconsiders denials & annexation
During its regular July 05, 2016 meeting, the Forney City Council met and (this is a preliminary report, subject to revision):
- Approved acceptance of the FEMA FY 2015 Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $98,550.
Chief Townsend said city pays 10% of the equipment, oldest airpacks are 13 years old.
Mr. Stephens asked if getting 15 sets, how many short will the department be? Chief Townsend said everyone will have one. 15 new +7 that are 7 years old, and 15 that are 13 yrs old.
Mr. Regan wanted to be sure there were no strings attached.
--> - Approved a Resolution authorizing the creation of the North Central Texas Regional 9-1-1 Emergency Communications District.
Mr. Daniels said currently the state gets the funds, this would allow local control of the funds, for more timely access.
This will not create a new level of government.
Ms. Penn asked how this affects the $2 million spent on our system- Mr. Daniels said it will not affect it at all.
Mayor Wilson asked if commissioner Phillips recomended this? Yes. - Approved a Resolution cancelling the July 19, 2016, City Council meeting.
- Adjourned into executive session for 2 hours 20 minutes
- Agreed to build a committee of the Mayor, Mayor protem, and Mr. Regan, to continue negotiations with Luminant / LaFrontera Holdings.
- Reconsidered approval of a final plat for a residential subdivision identified as Vintage Meadows Addition, Phase 2, located southeast of High Country Lane and northwest of F.M. 741, in the City of Forney extra-territorial jurisdiction.
Ms. Powers moved to reconsider approval, Ms. Penn 2nd. approved 6-1 Mayor nay - Reconsidered approval of a final plat for a residential subdivision identified as Vintage Meadows Addition, Phase 3, located southeast of High Country Lane and northwest of F.M. 741, in the City of Forney extra-territorial jurisdiction.
Mr. Regan move to approve, Ms. Powers 2nd, 6-1 Mayor no - Reconsidered approval of a final plat for Lucky Three Forney Crossing, LLC, Lot 1, Block 1, located south of F.M. 688 and the railroad and west of S. F.M. 548.
Mr. Stephens reluctantly moves approval, Mr. Regan reluctantly 2nd, 5-2 Mayor Mr. McGee nay - Legal counsel requests clarification that reconsideration meant approval. It was agreed to be so.
- Made board appointments to:
Planning and Zoning Commission: a motion to appoint Steve Cunningham, Justin Bowen, Bruce Bynum and Mathew Malone probably failed, then was withdrawn.
Mr. Stephens said the problem was having four people in one motion.
Making each motion individually: reappointed Steve Cunningham, Justin Bowen, adding Bruce Bynum failed for lack of 2nd, Ronnie Rexrod(e) 5-2, Ann Lemons failed for lack of 2nd, Mark Stafford 4-3.
Parks and Recreation Board: to reappoint Jeremy Skellenger, Kim Welch, Larry Hartwick;
Economic Development Corporation Board:reappoint Joe Dan McBeth, Decarlo Coleman, Jessica Browning;
Historic Overlay District Architectural Review Board: Richard Cunningham, Christie Conaway;
Library Board: reappoint Alvin Negron-Paez;
Animal Adoption Center Board: reappoint Mary Joe Smith, Barbara Peoples, Amanda Patton;
Board of Adjustment: Richard Delgado, reappoint Jeremy Vanhooser, Kindal Milton, appoint Jennifer Kilpatrick, Rick Hendricks, Randy Richter;
Building Standards Commission:John Walker, reappoint Hattie West, Jaimie Hernandez; - Public Input: none.
- City Managers' Report:
July 4th about 20,000 people, feedback was: enjoyed the live music.
Staff continue progess re: parking at Mulberry Park, should have most information ready for Aug 2nd meeting
Chief Rick Barnes announced retirement, effective Oct 31, wish him well. He is not here tonight as his brother just passed away.
Mr. Regan asked about the gateway bridge - one of flags is missing. Mr. Metz said winds took out one eyelet.
Mr. Johnson asked about finalization on the Quiet Zone - Mr. Daniels said have submitted the letter to Txdot, Mr. Metz said August 8th is anticipated date.
Mr. Johnson said on Center is dirt gap - Mr. Metz said there is a grade issue - contractor didn't pour right, and it's their problem.
Mr. Johnson also mentioned where ties into 688 - Mr. Metz said that will be fixed.
Mr. Daniels at last meet RS mentioned painting - Mr. Metz said that is on schedule.
Mr. Stephens asked about the bottled water made in Forney?
Mayor Wilson asked about Mulberry parking. Mr. Daniels stated they would present something on Aug. 2nd.
Tuesday, 2016, July 5