Council ponders a couple of difficult items.

Dec. 05, 2023 Forney City Council recognized Eagle Scouts, considered reducing speed limit, Smurfit Kappa water rate, Housing Authority.

FISD special meeting for Closed Session

Forney ISD held a special all-executive meeting to consider Real Property and Personnel

Latest News and Events

P&Z approves growth near Kroger, ponders fences

During it's Jan. 04, 2018 meeting the Forney P&Z approved another site plan near Kroger, permanent makeup uses, and updated the fence ordinance.

Council honors business, Fire Dept, considers Youth Council

During its Nov. 21, 2017 meeting, the Forney City Council met to honor local businesses and the Fire Fighter Combat Challenge Team, to hear about PD staffing issues and to consider forming a Forney Youth Advisory Council.

Council annexes and approves Overland Grove

During its regular Dec. 12, 2017 meeting, the Forney City Council met to annex Overland Grove, approve funding for new water reservoir and water tower maintenance.

EDC sells park land

Forney EDC Dec. 11, 2017 approved sale of land to Meadow Ridge and more $ for infrastructure.

P&Z approves growth near Kroger, denies Overland Grove

P&Z Dec. 07, 2017 approves new developments near Kroger, but were unhappy about Overland Grove (Wynne-Jackson) ordinance.

Council gets ISO #1 rating, reconsiders Raising Cane's

During its regular Dec. 05, 2017 meeting, the Forney City Council received its #1 ISO rating, and moved to reconsider Raising Canes development.

FISD plans for more growth

FISD students of the month Dec. 2017

On Dec. 01, 2017 the FISD Board approved $20 million for school renovations to handle 1,200 more students, discussed dual-credit and certification programs.

P&Z approves many ETJ plats, incl. Wynne-Jackson

P&Z Nov. 09 2017 approves Parc at Windmill (apartments) plats, plats for developments in ETJ, and preliminary plat for Overland Grove.

City selects another interim City Manager

City Council Nov. 07, 2017 appoints second interim City Manager, approves salary increases, fixing downtown road problems and more water capacity.

2017 Nov Election Sample ballots & Results

November 07, 2017 Constitutional Amendments Early voting Oct. 23 - Nov. 03. Election day Nov. 07, 2017, Polls open 7 AM to 7 PM, see details for polling locations. Photographic Voter ID now required!

EDC modifies façade grant process

Forney EDC met on Nov. 02, 2017 to modify façade grant process, review strategic plan.

Mesquite Annexation 2017

Notes about City of Mesquite attempt to annex land in Kaufman County, during 2017.

City Council approves applying for body armor grant

Oct. 17, 2017 Forney City Council proclaimed Oct. as violence & cancer awareness month, approved applying for a grant for PD body armor, approved agreement with Fire Marshals Association.

EDC approves more $ for downtown project

For Oct. 2017 the FEDC heard from Governor's office of Eco. Dev. and approved up to $50k more for downtown.

P&Z debates changes to ARB ordinance

The Oct. 5, 2017 P&Z commissioners approved plats for NTMWD and a new office building, and changes to the ARB ordinance.

City appoints new Interim City Manager

During an early Oct. 03, 2017 meeting, city council awarded bid for Broad St project, discussed getting home earlier, appointed Mike Alexander as Interim CM.

Parks Board building Pinson Farm Committee

In Sept. 20, 2017 meeting, board seeks more community members for Pinson Farm committee, moves forward with Positive Coaching Alliance.

City Council hears about annexation, apartments

Forney City Council Sep. 19 heard from an overflow crowd that doesn't want to be annexed by Mesquite or have apartments in WMF, adopted budget with revisions for city manager severance, reversed decision on ordinance affecting FISD.

FEDC prepares for "Project Big Deal"

During its regular Sep. 14, 2017 meeting, the Forney Economic Development Corp. met and:

FISD accepts donations, maintains tax rate

FISD Sep. 11, 2017 board met to hold FIRST and tax hearings, accept donations from PTO's, and maintain current tax rate.
